
  -  New Moon   -  FULL MOON


“Strawberry” Full Moon 



NOW we know why they called it the STRAWBERRY MOON! Picking up the rays of Deep reds & yellow while magnetized between deep space of Sagittarius reflects HUES of Purple from ArchAngel Antares & the other side the deeper Maroon root connection to Ophiuchus | – anchoring the energy to the Giza plateau and all Ancient monuments built to align the sun, moon & stars. 

This Full Moon aligns on June 3 or June 4, 2023, depending on what side of the world you are on. In 2023, being the 6th year of the Cosmic DNA & Higher Consciousness rewrite, the collective is clearing back to the deep connections they each hold to the root of its existence. 

This is always the case when the SUN goes into Gemini at 12° right on the other side of ArchAngel Aldebaran. The HOUSE OF GEMINI works in energy together as one. As high as Moses climbed the mountain, he was not able to bring the others with him. Instead, what did the people do? They walked in circles in the desert, while Moses carved in stone the commandments. Commandments for what? According to Moses- the rules he followed at the time, it was how he kept his heart and energy pure in order to be able to hold the view and project the promised land. 

The Wheel is a giant alchemy machine. Gemini is where the frequency gets split because of its strength and force, like lightning hitting a tree. In this analogy, and according to most myths, the tree and the roots of its existence that burrow into the consciousness of how it was all formed to the seed, that is #6 RA consciousness. No matter, as high as the purple energy takes you in #5 Aldebaran, the energy current must flip to clear the undercurrent from 12-16° Gemini. Why? So it can project through to the masses when you get to #7 Bellatrix $ & #8 Beltelguese. 

While the SUN is highlighting the muddy waters your feet are in, the moon is pulling us to distant deep space of our consciousness within & without. Stretching us all to remember our roots into Gaia, the cosmos and the universal connection we all share to give LIFE to everything we see, feel and touch. 

This FULL MOON is a clearing and final FLUSH of these lines and knowledge akashic records of the murky waters that flooded us through Scorpio & eclipse cycles. No matter if your connection came from the Stars into Gemini or if you birthed into Gemini and already hold that Etheric body root connection to Sagittarius & Ancient Monuments- the clearing will come from the depths to connect you all the way up and out to hold YOUR CREATION! 

Let it flush! Let it Go! We ask to flush our energy fields and ask for each of us to be shown what needs to be cut, cleared or alchemized to hold and clear space for connecting our highest timeline reality for second half of 2023. 


  • SUN on #6 RA Consciousness 12-13° Gemini
  • MOON at 12-13° Sagittarius – the beginning connection from #24 Antares & #25 Ophiuchus |

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